Uses the valueAtTime expression to tether the movement of one layer to multiple other layers, with a delayed follow on a specified timed interval.
Code Sample
Hover over the code and click the copy button.
delay = 0.5;
leader = thisComp.layer(1);
leader.transform.position.valueAtTime(time - delay*(index-leader.index));
Other Notes
- Add expression to the same property (position, scale, opacity etc.) of all following layers
- All follower layers must be placed beneath the leader layer in sequential order
- If the leader layer’s layer-number is other than 1, replace the (1) in the expression with the layer number
- If you delete the delay value number and pickwhip “value” of an expression slider effect (for example a slider in the leader layer) you can easily change the delay of all follower-layers at the same time.