Author: Dan Ebberts
Applied to the position, scale and rotation properties, this expression causes the mimics the physics of a falling object bouncing off a surface. As Dan Ebberts points out in a blog on the subject (link below), bounce is not to be confused with Keyframe Overshoot, which mimics the physics of a spring or pendulum.
Use Note: Adjust e (the elasticity variable) and g (the gravity strength) to change the characteristics of the bounce.
Code Sample
Hover over the code and click the copy button.
e = .7;
g = 5000;
nMax = 9;
n = 0;
if (numKeys > 0){
n = nearestKey(time).index;
if (key(n).time > time) n--;
if (n > 0){
t = time - key(n).time;
v = -velocityAtTime(key(n).time - .001)*e;
vl = length(v);
if (value instanceof Array){
vu = (vl > 0) ? normalize(v) : [0,0,0];
vu = (v < 0) ? -1 : 1;
tCur = 0;
segDur = 2*vl/g;
tNext = segDur;
nb = 1; // number of bounces
while (tNext < t && nb <= nMax){
vl *= e;
segDur *= e;
tCur = tNext;
tNext += segDur;
if(nb <= nMax){
delta = t - tCur;
value + vu*delta*(vl - g*delta/2);